IUDs Can Be 20X More Effective Than The Pill, Research Shows
May 24th, 2012 | by Kim LaCapria
IUDs are the best-kept secret in gynecological care- while the downsides are few (painful insertion, initial high expense without insurance [&hellip
May 24th, 2012 | by Kim LaCapria
IUDs are the best-kept secret in gynecological care- while the downsides are few (painful insertion, initial high expense without insurance [&hellip
April 6th, 2012 | by James Johnson
Arizona lawmakers are attempting to limit birth control coverage and in response women have begun sending them uterus’ in the [&hellip
March 14th, 2012 | by Kim LaCapria
At this point, it would be totally cool if Arizona could secede and become its own crazypants republic, with the [&hellip
January 30th, 2012 | by James Johnson
Male birth control could arrive by way of ultra sound technology in the future if a new product being worked [&hellip