Ancient Humans Ate Trees, Bushes and Fruits [Study]
2 million years ago an ancient human known as the African hominid chose a diet like no other known human ancestor. According to the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany they chose to dine on tree bark, bushes and fruits.
Known in the science world as the Australopithecus sediba or A. sediba the ancient human’s diet was discovered by using a zapping process on fossilized teeth with a later. The later freed telltale carbon from the enamel of teeth and allowed scientists to pinpoint the exact diet of the mammal.
Two A. sediba individuals were analyzed and the carbon isotope value for both were well outside of the 81 previously tested hominids.
While not a conclusive study scientists are certain that the A. sediba at least consumed part of its diet in tree bark and other “fracture-resistant” foods. While human ancestors have not been known to eat much tree bark it is routinely part of other primates diets because it contains protein and soluble sugars. The closest example of a tree bark eating species in today’s society is the African savanna chimpanzee.
Three tests from different agencies have now confirmed that the A. sediba were prone to eating bark and other hard foods.