Warm Weather Here to Stay, Forecasters Predict
If you’re enjoying the unseasonable weather and fear a last blast of the winter that never arrived in much of the US, you might be in luck.
Here in New York, we’ve been living in fear of the dreaded April snowstorm- which has been known to make the odd appearance from time to time (usually the weekend after you’ve put your winter coat and boots up in the attic behind some really heavy things.) But long-term weather forecasters say that analysis of the next 90 days of weather predictions indicates that the swan song of winter is likely not to come for many parts of the US, and spring-like temperatures are likely here to stay.
“Above normal” temps are expected for much of the US in coming weeks, and while floods marked lots of last year’s extreme weather, droughts are more of a concern this year, forecasters say- David Brown, director of NOAA Southern Region Climate Services spoke to CNN, and a statement said in part:
“Drought is now encompassing parts of the West and Southwest, making conditions more favorable for wildfires… If the drought persists as predicted, it will likely result in an active wildfire season, continued stress on crops and livestock due to low water levels and an expansion of water conservation measures.”
Were you unsettled by the winter that wasn’t?