Movie Prices Higher Than They’ve Ever Been in 2011
For an industry that is trying to stay competitive and fight all those evil pirates, it seems ticket prices are not being factored into the whole “luring people back into the theaters” strategy.
In 2011, ticket prices climbed again, from $7.89 in 2011 to $7.93 on average- not a massive hike, but it adds up in numbers of people waiting until a film hits Netflix or their cable provider’s VOD service. (And may I note that that average is laughably cheap compared to New York ticket prices of about $13 a person.)
The data comes from the National Association of Theater Owners, and the cost increases are blamed on factors such as growing prevalence of premium services like 3D films and IMAX screenings. The average slipped in the fourth quarter from $8.01 in the third to $7.83, due to a discount program for Tuesdays.
Cinema attendance was down 5% in 2011, and revenues were down 4% overall. Discounted matinees and kids’ tickets were included in the data.