Life fatinfographic

Published on February 14th, 2012 | by Duncan Riley


Carbs are Killing You: Why Eating Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat (Infographic)

What exactly is making you fat?

“One of the reasons we did this infographic is because we are finding through the data we are collecting via The Eatery that people are not very good at judging the health of certain foods,” says Andrew J. Rosenthal of Massive Heath. “One of our users was starting off each morning with a Jamba Juice fruit smoothie, thinking it was a really healthy substitute for breakfast. Every day as he used The Eatery, he got feedback that his smoothie was not nearly as healthy as he had rated it. He had no idea how high the sugar and carb content was. We’ve heard about loads of “ah-ha!” moments like this particularly about carbs, when users of The Eatery learn, through a tight feedback loop, that their decisions aren’t nearly as healthy as they thought.”

An interesting general infographic, and probably even more interesting if you’re trying to lose weight.





About the Author

Editor & Publisher Duncan Riley started blogging in 2003 after a career of management and Government service. In 2003 he started the Blog Herald, the first blog to cover the then new industry of blogging. In 2005 he was one of the three founders of b5media After a 12 month stint at TechCrunch, writing as the No.2 to Michael Arrington, Duncan left to found The Inquisitr and now runs both Medacity and fortytwotimes. Follow on Twitter at: duncanriley

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