Google Chrome 17 Debuts, Preloads Autocompleted URLs As You Type
Google Chrome 17 has been released and while the new browser version features a few minor adjustments it’s the company’s autocomplete URL loading that has us excited.
Using the “preemptive rendering” feature pages will begin loading and rendering a page in the background of the users browser as they type in an address in the omnibox. The preloaded page will match the most likely URL a user is seeking based on their use history, allowing for quicker load times when the URL is fully entered and accessed.
Also included with the web browser version are some security upgrades including a Google provided whitelist for file downloads that is based off the known file and the publisher where the file is being downloaded. If a file or website isn’t on the company’s approved list of providers the file will pass through to Google servers and the company will perform a quick malicious code check before the source file can be downloaded.
Focusing directly on the need for user privacy Google promises that malware detection information is only used to flag malicious files and will not be used for any other purposes. According to WebMonkey:
“The company will retain the IP address of the user and other metadata for a period of two weeks, at which point all of the data except the URL of the file will be purged from Google’s databases.”
Users can download the new version of Chrome 17 through the browser’s automatic updater or through a website download.
You can fine specific information vai the official Google Chrome blog.