Hunger Games books go big since movie trailer release – 7.5 million big
We have all seen how a series of books can greatly affect the success of a movie and visa versa. Whether it be the Harry Potter series or the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (although the jury is still out on the movie) the success of one medium appears to have the ability to increase the popularity of it in another medium.
The newest addition to this phenomena is the Hunger Games series of young adult sci-fi fantasy books that have been optioned for movie treatments, with the first installment slated to hit screens very shortly. It turns out according to a post over at The Hollywood Reporter that since the release of the movie’s trailer back in November 2011 over 7.5 million copies of the Hunger Games series have been sold.
As it stand right now the first of the movies is set to hit the studios but they apparently aren’t waiting to see what the reaction will be at the box office as they plan on starting to film the next installment very soon
During the photo shoot Ross disclosed, “I’ll probably get three or four weeks off before the next one [Catching Fire] starts.”
via GalleyCat