Roseanne Barr Files Paperwork to Run in 2012 Election as a Green Party Candidate
I think it’s a sign of the times and the state of the presidential election of 2012 that Roseanne Barr is one of the least absurd candidates that have been bandied about.
While in her sitcom heyday of the 90’s it might have seemed super-weird for Roseanne to be running for office, contrasted with Rick “gay people are stopping prayer in schools” Perry and Michele Bachmann, Barr seems like a downright reasonable candidate. If you follow the comedienne on Twitter, you know she not only actively engages her followers on political subjects, but she was also a very early supporter of the Occupy movement, before many other celebrities picked the story up at all. (Okay, her spelling and grammar might not be the best, but she has some excellent points about income inequality and related issues.)
TMZ has disclosed that Barr filed the necessary paperwork to become the Green Party’s candidate for the upcoming election, and over on Twitter, she has been vocal about her reasons for running in 2012- in response to those who suggest a strong Green Party candidate will siphon votes from Obama, Barr says:
obama is wall street’s chosen candidate-he gave them billions and billions-no need to worry! he will win! …so sad to see young strong/educated adults with no jobs in america. this was all planned by bankers.
Would you vote for Roseanne Barr in 2012?