Words of awe from astronauts viewing Earth [Video]
One of the most powerful and memorable moments of my life was the day that I turned thirteen and watched as man landed on the moon for the very first time; but my memories and reflections of that event is nothing compared to what the astronauts who have made that journey into space have been affected, even all these years later for some of them.
In this short film titled Overview that was directed by Guy Reid the astronauts from Apollo 14, some of the shuttle missions, and the International Space Station are joined by space theorists and philosophers to talk about looking upon our planet from space. Along with the discussions there is also a mix of montages of scenes from space as well as from various space walks.
So do yourself a favor – grab a coffee, sit back and enjoy this short documentary of what it is like to look upon our planet and realize we really are all in this thing together.
OVERVIEW from Planetary Collective on Vimeo.