The Genome For Breast Cancer Officially Released
Breast cancer kills 35,000 women a year and next to ovarian cancer is probably one of the most devastating illnesses that can strike a woman so the news today that last Sunday scientists announced that they have fully sequenced breast cancer.
When it comes to breast cancer there are four major types: basal-like cancers, luminal A and B cancers, and HER-2 enriched cancers and so far the genome project has shown similarities between basal-type cancers and other types of cancers in the ovaries or lungs which means treatments used for them could be applied to those other cancers as well.
The important thing to remember is that while this news might not result in any immediate cure for breast cancer it does mean that doctors will be able to design more effective treatments as well as use those treatments we have already discovered in new ways. It also means that we may be to track specific cancers back to specific sources.
There are still a lot of cancers to be sequenced in the cancer genome project but hopefully with what we know now doctors will be able to start finding ways to beat back breast cancer once and for all.
via Gamma Squad