The Video Of The “Over The Top” Invasion Of The Dotcom Raid Hits The Web [Video]
Thankfully there are still people interested in the whole Kim Dotcom, and Megaupload, case that we are able to get a steady stream of news and information relating to the case going on New Zealand, much like this video that has surfaced that shows the over the top invasion of the Dotcom compound by New Zealand police.
It is amazing to watch this video and understand exactly who it was that all this armed effort was being taken against.
That person being the overweight and larger than life Kim Dotcom, the man behind the very popular, and very profitable, filesharing service known as Megaupload.
Even the New Zealand law enforcement is now saying that the whole episode was “over the top”. The video also includes some in court testimony from Dotcom as well as some of the officers involved in the raid. Another interesting tidbit that came out was that there was FBI involvement in the lead-up to and including the raid.
via Techdirt