Properly Fried Food Won’t Give You Heart Disease [Study]
We’re often told that eating a bunch of fried food will lead to heart disease and inevitably a heart attack, however a new study conducted for the British Medical Journal has found that frying food is fine if it’s done properly.
The study was conducted in Spain and researchers found no correlation between how often participants ate fried foods and whether they developed heart disease. However researchers clearly state that the people of Spain tend to fry their foods in olive oil or sunflower oil, both healthier alternatives to vegetable and other oils used at many fast food and sit-down restaurant locations.
Researchers examined 40,000 people and found 606 incidents of heart disease which were spread eventy among fried food lovers and people who avoiding fried foods.
This is the third such study to find that fried food eating isn’t a likely precursor to a heart attack. Commenting in the Journal a professor noted:
“Taken together, the myth that frying food is generally bad for the heart is not supported by available evidence.”
While dying of a heart attack from eating fried foods is unlikely researchers still point out that they tend to have more calories and may cause high blood pressure and other problems when consumed regularly.