Hey Pentagon Workers, No Porn On Our Computers, Okay?
Just about any person know that the workplace isn’t the place to be looking at porn, especially if you happen to work for the government, but it seems that some people need to be reminded of that little fact.
This is why John James Jr., the Executive Director of the Missile Defense Agency, had to send out a memo recently that reminded government workers that they shouldn’t be looking at porn sites or sending emails which contain pornographic or sexual images.
Apparently this kind of activity is a violation of DoD and federal regulations (duh!) but even more importantly visiting those types of sites could lead to malware or viruses being downloaded and run on government computers.
So it should come as no surprise that anyone caught breaking these rules could face disciplinary charges and loss of their jobs. Apparently this memo was sent out due to some employees who had downloaded material from these type of sites and became infected.
According to a government cybersecurity specialist, foreign intelligent services infect pornographic websites with harmful viruses and malware in order to harvest sensitive data from government computer networks.
Naturally, it’s not only porn sites that could contain harmful materials, really Missile Defense Agency employees should not download any materials or visit websites they don’t need for their work. The fact that they are compromising the governments security at all is embarrassing and hopefully this warning will teach employees to keep such habits left at home.
via Geek.com