Daughter Saves Father With CPR And Lifting A 3,500 Pound BMW Off Of His Chest
We’ve all heard that old saying before – you never know what you can do until you do it – and nowhere does that apply more than in the case of Lauren Kornacki and her father, Alec.
You see Alec was in the garage working on his BMW when the car slide off of the jack and landed on his chest rendering him unconscious and with broken ribs along with several other fractures. It was at this point that his daughter came out through the garage on her way to somewhere when she saw her father under the car.
While she yelled to her mother, Liz, the 22-year-old Lauren ran over to her father and then proceeded to do the impossible:
I just lifted up kind of right here and just kind of threw it, shoved my body as hard as I could then I came back and dragged him out and started CPR.
In order to save her father’s life Lauren had lifted a 3,450 pound car off of her father and threw it so that she could get to her father and start performing CPR on him.
When Liz told Alec what had happened later in the hospital he teared up as he thanked his daughter:
I told him what happened. He just, the tears just come to his eyes. He said thank you for saving my life and she just smiled her blue eyed smile and that was it.
Alec said this to reporters covering the story:
He also asked us to share this statement: “I’m just so lucky and proud that I have daughters that can perform CPR and have the knowledge to save lives. I think it’s an important skill for everyone to know and if it weren’t for Lauren I would not be alive today.”