Survey Says: U.S. Smartphone Users Can’t Live Without Their Phones [Infographic]
It doesn’t matter where you go these days smartphones are everywhere and people for the most part apparently can’t live without them; which they let us know all about with every conversation at a volume everyone can hear.
From the moment we get up to the moment we go to sleep we are glued to these hunks of electronics and plastic, whether it be from constantly checking email to making sure you know what all your friends are doing on Facebook.
Regardless of where they are, the bathroom, in bed, or even more incredibly stupid – while driving, we just can’t put them down for fear of missing something to the point that there is even a name for it now: Nomophobia (‘no more mobile phone’).
Thanks to the crew at Lookout Mobile Security for putting together this infographic showing some of the facts from their “Mobile Mindset” survey.
via TechnoBuffalo