Zombie Apocalypse Rumors Upsetting Miami Face Eating Attacker’s Mom
Over the past week, the term “zombie apocalypse” has been bandied about the internet as web users have been fixated by the bizarre and gory incident in Miami last weekend where a 31-year-old man chewed another man’s face, stopping only when he was shot and killed by police.
It’s a bit tempting to get distracted by the unusual nature of the attack, but the mother of Rudy Eugene- the man police were forced to shoot dead- has been hurt by all the zombie talk floating around the web. And indeed, police have suggested bath salts related psychosis, when it’s not clear exactly what prompted the attack, and Eugene is not here to explain the incident.
Of her son, Eugene’s mom said:
“He was a good kid. He gave me a nice card on Mother’s Day. Everyone says he was a zombie. He was no zombie. That was my son… They could have tased him. I saw what happened on TV and I started crying.”
Eugene’s girlfriend added:
“That wasn’t him, that was his body but it wasn’t his spirit… Somebody did this to him… He loved God. He always read the Bible. He would give you knowledge on the Bible. Everywhere he went his Bible went. When he left he had his Bible in his hand.”
Toxicology tests in the face-eating attack have yet to come back.