Girl, 8, Given Award For Most Homework Excuses, Mom Angry With School
Homework is a pretty big bone of contention for kids, some of whom have organizational and learning difficulties that make it difficult to complete their tasks- and studies have shown that the busywork provides few educational benefits for students of any age.
So it’s not surprising that some kids have difficulty completing their homework (or their working parents lack the time to spend re-passing the 3rd grade.) But one mom in Arizona said that instead of a spotty progress award, her daughter received a joke “award” in front of her laughing classmates, mocking her for having the most “homework excuses.” The teacher even managed to work in a passive-aggressive little smiley face next to the girl’s “title.”
Cassandra Garcia, the 8-year-old in question, was humiliated, her mom Christina Valdez says. And when Valdez complained to the principal, Valdez says that the school blew her off and insinuated she didn’t appreciate the humor:
“She blew me off and said that it was a joke that was played – that the teachers joke around with children… I think it’s cruel and no child should be given an award like this. It’s disturbing.”
Experts say, not surprisingly, that kids don’t tend to find the joke funny and that the teacher’s bullying could have a negative effect on young children. Cassandra’s school, Desert Springs Academy, seems less able to stand up to adults than a third grader and thus, did not offer comment to the media about the cruel prank.