Federal Panel Tells Men To Avoid PSA Screening, Test Does More Harm Than Good
Men on Monday were warned by a federal panel to avoid PSA screening for prostate cancer, a test that theĀ United States Preventive Services Task Force now says does more harm than good.
The organization outright says the potential side effects of the PSA screening test are worse than actually having cancer.
According to a task force official:
“Of 1,000 men who are screened, at most one man will avoid a prostate cancer death. Two to three will have blood clot, heart attack, stroke or even death from treatment of the prostate cancer.”
While most doctors acknowledge that PSA screening may not be good for a patients health a doctor at Penn State tellsĀ ABC News:
“I agree that screening for prostate cancer in men in general is a bad idea. That being said, the possibility of obtaining a PSA on a man with particular circumstances should still be an option.”
Will you undergo PSA screening if your doctor recommends it or would you rather examine other possible routes of action?
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