Knowledge Business Meetings Bad For The Brain

Published on January 23rd, 2012 | by James Johnson


Company Meetings Are Making Employees Dumb [Study]

Business Meetings Bad For The Brain

Group interaction, specifically the type we often experience during business meetings could actually be lowering our intelligence.

A recently conducted study by a group of scientists in Virginia has determined that the way you feel about your own co-workers intelligence can greatly affect your own intelligence.

The study examined groups based on IQ, rankedĀ members’ performance on cognitive tasks against the others and then revealed their rankings.

Researchers then told group members how others had performed and according to their findingsĀ “we saw dramatic drops in the ability of some study subjects to solve problems.” The research revealed that “social feedback had a significant effect.”

Using an MRI to confirm their results the researchers found that the effects were particularly bad for women and as one researcher points out:

“Our study highlights the unexpected and dramatic consequences even subtle social signals in group settings may have on individual cognitive functioning.”

We have known for a long time that group think is often bad for groups but this is one of the first study’s we’ve seen in which thoughts in general could be bad for the good of the group, particularly smart thoughts that could at first lead to good decisions for the company.




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About the Author

James is a new media professional with more than half a decade worth of experience in the online writing space. He currently serves as the Associate Editor of and the Editor-in-Chief of He also serves as a resident writer for Splash Press Media. In his spare time James consults businesses regarding SEO and Content Development.

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