Yet Another Amazing Spiderman trailer, but this one is 4 minutes and not bad [Video]
Spiderman has always been one of my more favorite of the ‘superhero’ comics and I remember when the first set of movies came out how forward I was to watching them, but in the end came away unimpressed.
For the most part I had figured that after the disaster of the third movie that would be the end of Spiderman on the big screen, but as usual the movie companies figured that they could return to the trough and rake in some more money.
I definitely wasn’t interested in this new “reboot” of the origin story of Spiderman but after watching a few of the trailers I may just give Spidey another chance.
One of the trailers is the new 4 minute “Super Preview” that hit the web today and it looks like it might just have some potential; but I’m not holding out much hope.