Lying On Facebook? Survey Says Nearly Everyone Is Doing It
Facebook users are lying on mass but in this case its white lies that help protect them from prying eyes, greedy advertisers and Facebook as a whole. A recent study conducted by Consumer Reports found that most users admitted that they “alter personally identifiable information,” to protect themselves online.
Among data that is typically fudged is a users birthdate and location.
While falsifying a users information is technically a violation of the social networks Terms of Service twice as many people today are lying about their personal information when compared to two years ago.
Most users admitted to tightening up security by playing around with their Facebook privacy settings while 20% said they did nothing to protect their privacy.
While some users are simply making up facts about themselves what might be most frightening is the number of people who shared health information and other personal information that could prove harmful to them.
Have you lied about information found in your Facebook profile?