Hand Sanitizer Shots The Latest Thing Teens Are Doing to Get High
Since the dawn of creation, teenagers have been doing everything one can possible do to get high of any single thing in their vicinity, and hand sanitizer is only the latest in a string of dumbass things kids have ingested in lieu of legal ability to buy beer.
In the past, nutmeg, toads and bath salts have all led to teens getting schwasted, and now thanks to the magic of the internet, they’re able to make a drinkable substance from garden variety Purell and get their underage drank on. The Wall Street Journal confirmed the tale with a California children’s hospital, proving that the scare isn’t just another urban legend like rainbow parties.
According to the WSJ, teens ingesting hand sanitizer are even using other substances to make a more potent drink:
“Rather than just drinking it outright some appear to be using salt to purify the alcohol content to make it even more potent, using a technique learned from the Internet, according to experts at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Liquid sanitizer contains 62 percent Ethanol, or 120 proof liquid, according to Cyrus Rangan, a medical toxicology consultant.”
Experts recommend parents treat hand sanitizer like any other alcohol, keeping it out of reach, and purchasing foam-based sanitizers is also recommended to avoid drunken teenager hospitalizations.