Willie Nelson Honored With Bronze Statue in Austin… on 4/20 at 4:20
Yesterday was the increasingly prominent 4/20, and what better day to honor Texas country legend and probably the world’s biggest marijuana advocate, Willie Nelson?
Well, Nelson is an advocate in that he smokes the hell out of weed even at his advanced age. As the years wear on and legalization still has not arrived on US shores, many supporters of decriminalization, like Nelson, openly flout pot laws- and April 20th, or the hour of 4:20 on any day, have become dope-smoking shibboleths for the marijuana-embracing community. And like gay marriage, pot legalization is getting a lot of grassroots support among average Americans, ushering the pot-happy day further into the mainstream each year.
Nelson was lauded with a bronze statue unveiled in Texan liberal outpost Austin, and the ceremony kicked off not only on 4/20, but at 4:20 PM. The crowd was apparently puffing the magic dragon in no small numbers as well, and Nelson quipped:
“What time is it? …I can feel it’s getting close to something.”
Willie performed a 4/20 song as well to the waiting fans… and selected “Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die.”