Super Foods Touted As Key to Easier Weight Loss
It seems that each week a new strategy emerges for weight loss, promising a novel approach to the increasing issue of obesity.
While many diets focus on restricting calories, fat or food groups like carbohydrates, few take the opposite approach. Lower carb diets sometimes tout fat as a hunger cure-all, and obese people indeed have a lot of success if they can manage to avoid sugary sweets, pasta, bread and french fries for a long period of time.
But yet another weight loss strategy has emerged, and this one does flip the script a little with the “think about eating this” versus “don’t think about eating that” approach. Focused on superfoods, a book by SELF editor-in-chief Lucy Danziger aims to get dieters thinking in terms of fueling their bodies more with nutrient-rich, health powerhouse foods like berries, nuts and whole grains instead of denying themselves favorite foods in hopes of rewiring diet expectations.
It may seem contradictory coming from the editor of one of the most body-focused and somewhat-conscious magazines available for sale, but Danziger told CNN she had much success accidentally losing weight after adding more superfoods to her diet:
…the idea of focusing on what you should eat, instead of what you can’t, could change the way we look at weight loss in America, Danziger says.
“We’re going to give you so many choices of what you can eat, you’re not thinking about starvation. … You’re thinking about feeding the engine.”
Still, Danziger’s superfood-touting book doesn’t abandon the diet narrative entirely- it’s titled The Drop 10 Diet. Salmon, broccoli, spinach, berries and green tea are all listed by the news site as superfoods appropriate for inclusion on such a diet.