Random House EBooks Being Boycotted By 25 Connecticut Libraries
Physical books are expensive enough for the average consumer but they are doubly so for libraries who have to cut special deals with publishing companies in order to stock their shelves. So in a world where ebooks are becoming the norm libraries are looking to be able to include them in their services, the problem is that publishing companies are being exceedingly difficult, and expensive, to deal with when it comes to ebooks.
It has gotten to the point that 25 libraries in Connecticut have banded together as Libraries Online Incorporated (LION) to fight the high prices that publishers are asking for ebooks, specifically Random House who are incresing the prices that they want for ebooks.
The Digital Shift has more: “Under Random House’s new pricing policy, an ebook that would have cost the LION consortium $35 to purchase through OverDrive on February 29 cost them $105 on March 1, according to Richard Conroy, the president of LION.”
via GalleyCat
To try and fight these type of ridiculous price increases the LION group is following the example of a group of libraries in Nova Scotia, Canada, and refusing to by any ebooks from Random House until they bring the price down to a more reasonable level.