Published on April 6th, 2012 | by James Johnson
0Birth Control Advocates New Weapon Of Choice? Knitted Uterus’
Arizona lawmakers are attempting to limit birth control coverage and in response women have begun sending them uterus’ in the mail. Okay so they are actually sending knitted uterus’ with googly eyes but the message is clear, women don’t want their birth control options limited by the state.
The Uterus’ were delivered on Thursday to lawmakers who support the limitation of birth control coverage and each knitted uterus arrived in a clear plastic bag that was clearly labeled with a legislator’s name and a letter from the woman opposing the measure.
The bill has come under heavy scrutiny recently with supports saying its needed to protect an employers rights regarding moral objections to contraception.
Critics in the meantime say that the bill will also violate a women’s right to privacy by requiring many women who want contraception for medical purposes other than birth control to provide evidence of their medical need.
The current legislation for birth control restrictions is being amended at this time and is heading for a vote next week.