Wanna Travel To The World’s Happiest Country? Visit Denmark
If you want to visit a country where the people are happy and willing to spread their joy you might want to consider the newly released UN report which divides countries into happiest and unhappiest locations.
The report used polls taken from 2005 to 2011 to rank each country with Denmark ranked as the country with the happiest citizens. In comparison the United States ranked 11th on the list while Canada came in at number 5.
Here are the top five happiest countries in the world according to the UN report.
- Denmark
- Finland
- Norway
- Netherlands
- Canada
On the other site are the world’s unhappiest locations, all of which not surprisingly are poor third-world countries where violence, a lack of education and generally poor living conditions exist such as Togo and Burundi.
Here are the top 5 unhappiest places in the world to live.
- Togo
- Benin
- Central African Republic
- Sierra Leone
- Burundi
Living in a poor country also cuts a persons life expectancy.
Are you surprised by any of the countries listed in the top five for happy and unhappy regions?