Skittles’ Facebook Page Besieged by Trayvon Martin Supporters, Mourners
As America agitates over the tragic killing of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, two brands have been pulled into the fray just by merit of being the kid’s last purchases- Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea- and the former is being inundated by misguided justice seekers on the social network Facebook.
Arizona Iced Tea is getting its share of residual attention as well, with many posters suggesting the companies inadvertently got “free advertising” due to their (product placement, we suppose?) in the Trayvon Martin case. Which is such a strange concept, but users are imploring the companies to donate money to the Martin family or engage in other charitable causes to make something good come out of the teen’s death.
Skittles is getting a higher volume of the messages on their Wall, due to having more than 21 million fans to Arizona’s three million or so. On the latter, users write:
I love Arizona Ice Tea Green Tea being my favorite, and i have not purchased one since Trayvon Martin was murdered in Sanford, Florida Feb 26, 2012. After going to a corner store to purchase skittles and an Arizona Ice Tea. I’m asking Arizona Ice Tea to consider offering a 4 year scholarship in the memory of Trayvon Martin. Please consider this.
I Truly Believe Mars, Incorporated (owner of Skittles) & Arizona Iced Tea should consider making a Charitable contribution with the Huge Spike in sales they’ve seen in light a of tragedy #ICantBeTheOnlyOneThinkingThis
And simply:
RIP Trayvon Martin!
Over on Skittles’ Facebook page, users plead:
In respect for Trayvon Martin, the Skittles company should put his name or face on the bags ! ♥ R.I.P.
Walking to local corner store with my hoodie for skittles……RIP Trayvon MARTIN from all of Houston…..
Since the case…skittles has probably recieved over 12 million likes for the company.Skittles doesnt owe anyone anything but it would be great if skittles put travon martin on or inside the bag to show kids and adults that injustice is wrong and kids should enjoy their candy without discrimination, hate, and fear.
While the sentiment is probably pure, it also does little to advance the Trayvon Martin case, and it’s understandable companies would be saddened their product was linked to such a tragedy. At this point, there isn’t really anything to contribute to, and making a donation or otherwise strengthening the link might feel or seem opportunistic from the corporate level.
What do you think Skittles and Arizona should do regarding the Trayvon Martin case?