Trayvon Martin Was Suspended For Pot, Why Does This Matter?
After the outpouring of support for the family of Trayvon Martin in their quest to see their son’s killer George Zimmerman arrested and tried like anyone who shoots anyone on any street in America, it’s almost inevitable that there would be some backlash “distrusting” the narrative that an unarmed black teenager was gunned down by an armed white adult.
Does that change the fact that an unarmed black teenager was gunned down by an armed white adult? No. But for some reason it seems necessary for people to look at Trayvon Martin’s death and dismiss it or excuse it- to what end is unclear. First, Facebook pictures of an older (and, it should be noted, darker-skinned) man purported to be Trayvon Martin began to circulate, as if the picture had been accurate, somehow Zimmerman’s actions would have been more excusable. (They would clearly not be.)
It turned out that the images were of a totally different and much older man named Trayvon, but that did not stop the attempts to somehow pin the blame for his death on the kid himself. The most recent ‘revelation’ in the Trayvon Martin case is that at the time of his death, the teen- who was suspended- had gotten in trouble at school for possessing marijuana.
Marijuana. A ‘drug’ that most Americans feel should be legal, that is a commonplace rebellious activity for teens, and with no addictive properties. But for some reason, this is supposed to be the smoking gun in the Trayvon Martin case, the thing that leads us to believe that Martin somehow precipitated his own death by just being ‘suspicious.’ Martin’s mom, Sybrina Fulton, commented today:
“The only comment that I have right now… is that they’ve killed my son and now they’re trying to kill his reputation.”
Indeed, lest we forget, there already is a smoking gun in the Trayvon Martin case- it shot the teenager in the chest, and is still currently in the possession of his killer, George Zimmerman.