Pinterest Post Inspires Teen to Prank Text Cop “I Hid the Body”
If you want a good reason not to like or pin “funny” pictures on Pinterest, here’s one.
Not to rant, but the “trite and attempting to be sarcastic” family of Pinterest fodder (also popular on Facebook) is about the fastest way to be irritating on either service. You know the type of humor- generally mildly foul-mouthed, rude, crass and not even funny in the first place. Jokes about duct tape, punching, stupid people and judging people with tattoos often fall into these categories.
You may have seen the one that suggests texting a random number to say, “I hid the body, now what?” circulating by your unfunniest aunts or cousins on Pinterest or Facebook, but one dopey teen took the advice to heart- texting a string of numbers per the instructions in the image. And instead of just freaking out a civilian, a cop got the message- so of course, police had to look into the matter.
“Police didn’t find the prank funny and say it tied up some of the department’s resources… The girl was released with a warning.”
Hopefully the incident will help the unnamed teen develop a more sharply tuned sense of humor and put her off telling jokes that didn’t even make us laugh back in AOL days.