Kentucky America’s Booziest State, Study Finds
Some Northerners regard the South as a bit booze-soaked and gun-toting, and it appears half of that may be rooted a bit in fact.
A report released earlier this month from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlighted binge drinking in America, pegging Kentucky as the state in which the practice was most common. But overall, one in six Americans binge drink- defined as drinking four to eight drinks in one sitting- once a month or more.
And while binge drinking is most common in households where the income is $75,000 a year or more, people from households making $25,000 a year or less consume more drinks when binge drinking. Although the practice occurs most commonly in Kentucky, Wisconsinites down the most alcohol on a binge- consuming as many as nine drinks when tying one on.
Head of the CDC’s alcohol unit- the fortuitously named Dr. Robert Brewer- says the problem affects all walks of life in the US:
“It’s not just the usual suspects who are binge drinking. This is not just a problem of high school kids and college students. It’s a problem across the lifespan.”
The study did not that the problem is not necessarily linked to alcoholism, but that health and safety ramifications could result from binge drinking.