UK Tells Olympians To Avoid Handshaking To Stay Healthy
With the 2012 London Summer Olympics just around the corner UK officials are asking their 550+ athletes to stay healthy by avoiding handshakes.
The countries Olympic committee is hoping that athletes will avoid picking up bugs if they don’t shake hands with tons of people.
The British Olympic Association’s chief doctor told athletes:
“The greatest threat to performance is illness, and possibly injury.”
The countries Olympic doctor then notes that the Olympic Village environment can be a “pretty hostile one” for various infections.
In the meantime a British etiquette adviser finds it odd that thegroup would have athletes forgo their main way for greeting people in the country.
Officials in the US say American athletes are not under the same restriction and are in fact “encouraged to embrace the Olympic spirit, and meet, greet and interact with as many different athletes from as many nationalities as possible.”
Do you find the UK’s no handshaking policy to be strange?