Cell Phone Jammer Wanders Streets of Philly Cutting Off Calls, Cares Not
One of the major conveniences slash inconveniences of modern life comes in the form of the ubiquitous and ever-beep or buzzing smartphone, and Philly’s cell phone jammer has taken a novel if intrusive approach to stopping the interruptions.
While cell phones provide us with a constant connection to everyone who wants to speak to us, they also offer us a constant connection to everyone that wants to speak with us. In the past, it was considered reasonable to take a day or two to answer your phone- dating was far less complicated and pressure-ridden, for instance, since someone could conceivably take a day to check messages and call on the next day. Now we know that a call lodged to any individual is probably noted within a few minutes, if that, and dinners out and public transport are chockablock with milling souls all staring into glowing screens. It’s like some kind of sci-fi dystopia, but with Words With Friends.
It’s probably the rare person among us who hasn’t fantasized about slapping smartphones from the hands of distracted people in public while in a bad mood, watching them fall to the concrete and satisfyingly smash, but the cell phone jammer is taking phone-rage to a slightly more confrontational level than daydreams- he walks about in the city with a device and when someone gets annoying with the cell phone, he simply powers on his cell phone jammer and ends their call, problem solved.
When confronted by a local news station, the cell phone jammer (who is identified only as “Eric”) was nonplussed by criticism:
“A lot of people are extremely loud, no sense of just privacy or anything. When it becomes a bother, that’s when I screw on the antenna and flip the switch… [Eavesdropping without consent is] pretty irritating, and quite frankly, it’s pretty rude.”
Should more people buy cell phone jammers and enforce public decorum, or is Eric’s schtick an infringement on people’s rights to chatter loudly on the bus?