The Amazon Kindle Lending Library cracks the 100,000 titles mark
One of the more interesting aspects of the whole Amazon Kindle ecosphere is the ability to lend and borrow e-books. When first launched there were a lot of questions about the service but since that point Amazon has been steadily adding more titles.
According to a post over at SlashGear it seems that things have been going so well with the lending library that Amazon announced that there is now 100,000 titles available for lending.
The Kindle Lending Library is included with the Amazon Prime account, which covers their unlimited two-day shipping deal for all Amazon inventoried items, which will cost you $79.00 per year. Book publishers that have books listed in the Lending Library received $1 for each title every time that title is borrowed from the library.
Amazon says that more than one million independently published e-books have been checked out of the Lending Library so far.