Red Dresses Make Men Think About Sex [Study]
Remember the scene in The Matrix when Neo becomes distracted by a woman in a slinky red dress? It turns out that his distraction might have some roots in psychological thinking. Researchers conductING a new study have found that red clothing leads men to thoughts about sex.
According to researcherĀ Adam Pazda, a psychologist at the University of Rochester in New York state the idea of red leading to seduction stems back to a type of baboons called mandrills, as they become fertile their estrogen levels peak and blood vessels open up, turning their faces bright red. As their face turn red the males know it’s time to mate.
Researchers learned that it’s not just red dresses but pretty much anything red that leads to thoughts of sex in males.
To conduct the experiment 25 men were shown a photo of a single woman in red and then white T-Shirts. Volunteers were then asked to gauge whether the female was interested in sex on a scale of 1 to 9.
Men generally believed that women in red outfits were more open to sexual advances, scoring those women 1 to 1.5 points higher.
The full report is published online this month in theĀ Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Do you think the color of clothing a female wears really affects what men think of her sexually?