Southwest Passengers Alarmed by Announcement, Mistook ‘Mom’ For ‘Bomb’ in Birthday Shoutout
In one of the many Fockers, films- I think the first one- Ben Stiller’s character gets hauled off a flight for saying he didn’t have a bomb, and the joke basically centers around how you can’t say the word “bomb” in any context on a plane.
Words that sound like the word “bomb” might also be on the list, as minor panic was sparked off on a plane from Miami to Islip, New York on Friday when the pilot made an announcement that confused passengers. Flight 1155 into MacArthur Airport on Long Island arrived at noon with some rattled travelers after the pilot shouted-out an air traffic controller’s mother over the in-flight address system while the plane was en route, and the word “mom” scared the pants off some people.
Southwest has acknowledged the incident- which made national headlines- with a spokeswoman confirming that the “pilot made an announcement that was misunderstood.” Even the Federal Aviation Administration was forced to comment, saying in a statement:
“Pilots and controllers will sometimes engage in brief greetings. If such conversations go beyond this limit, controllers are counseled to refrain from such unnecessary talk.”
It was not disclosed whether counselors met shaken passengers as they disembarked to soothe them. The FAA did confirm that the agency isn’t “investigating the pilot or the flight crew.”