Adam Sandler Sweeps Razzies With 11 Nominations, Sets Record
It doesn’t seem too long ago that Adam Sandler was America’s reigning funnyman, starring in blockbuster after blockbuster and inflicting a plethora of quotables on the youth of the era. (How many of you still cringe when Happy Gilmore is referenced in a bar?)
However, it’s been a while since Sandler topped the box office, and his last flick, Jill and Jill, made headlines only for its horribleness before fading from cinemas altogether. In fact, at the time of its release, TIME critic Mary Pols said of the film:
“More than 24 hours has passed since I watched the new Adam Sandler movie Jack and Jill and I am still dead inside.”
It seems the puerile efforts set forth by Sandler have not gone wholly unnoticed, as the film and Sandler himself have swept the Razzies this year- which are the foil to the Oscars, awarding trophies for horrible films and actors. Sandler rated in 11 categories for three flicks- the aforementioned Jill and Jill, Just Go With It, and Bucky Larsen.
In 2012, the Razzies winners will be announced on April Fools’ Day, unlike previous years when the awards were doled out the evening before the Academy Awards.