Putting Facebook Like buttons next to your products could be hurting your sales
Well color me pink but it seems that not everything to do with Facebook is all rosy, at least according to the recently released 2012 State of Style Report from StyleCaster.
For their report StyleCaster polled some 1,500 men and women between the ages of 16 and 37 to find out what the consumer trends are going forward for the year, as well StyleCast did some data mining of Sociocast’s database of more than 200 million consumers and added that to the mix.
One of the interesting things to come out of the report though was regarding Facebook and their omnipresent Like button.
What StyleCast found was that 25% of women were less likely to purchase a Spanx product if there was a Facebook Like button beside it, but on the flip side 25% were more likely to purchase some trendy item like a fancy perfume in the same scenario.
Now flip the genders and 25% of men are less likely to buy Cleasasil if there is a Facebook Like button beside it but do exactly the opposite if the product is athletic shorts.
The idea here is that you may want to take a second look at the product you are buying and think again about sharing with the wider world that you just bought those size 6 shoes.
via The Next Web