Teens arrested for stealing a chicken and one gets charged for “punching” the chicken
I realize that teens will be teens, when they are allowed out of their dungeons that is, but other than saying you did what is the point of stealing someone’s chicken?
It seems though that at least one group of teens decided that this would be a right fine idea and even better they bragged about it on Facebook but when the daughter of the person who they stole the chicken saw the bragging she posted “If you want a chicken buy it, don’t steal it”
At some point shortly after that the police showed up and the group of teens were arrested but hey it doesn’t stop there folks. No it gets even better as one of the kids decided to test out his boxing skills with chicken as his boxing partner.
Ya, this shining light of brilliance decided to give the little old defenseless chicken a couple of sucker punches just to show how much better than the chicken he was.
The three teenagers, all aged 17, apologised for what had happened on August 11 last year. One said: “It was a stupid idea and I should have walked away. It was devastating for my parents and the people who owned the chicken. I wish I didn’t do it. I wish I could say how sorry I am about it.”
A police report labelled the teenager who punched the chicken as the ringleader – a claim rejected by Ms Cameron. He was given an eight-month referral order and ordered to pay £585, including costs and compensation.
via Times 24
Word is that the chicken survived long enough without any serious emotional distress to end up in someone’s dinner pot but according to the RSPCA it was done humanely.