Hepatitis C Is More Likely To Kill You When Compared To HIV
In the 1980’s and 1990’s HIV and AIDS was seen as the most likely way to kill someone through bodily transmission, now new information provided in two essays from theĀ National Institutes of Health doctors published yesterday in theĀ Annals of Internal Medicine show that we are more likely to die from hepatitis C.
According to the research HIV and AIDS related cases which peaked at more than 50,000 in the mid-1990s have fallen to less then 12,700 deaths in the U.S. in recent years.
In comparison hepatitis C deaths now account for the deaths of more than 15,000 people yearly.
The NIH study also found that the 15,000 hepatitis C deaths could double in the coming years because carriers of the disease are most likely to die between the ages of 45 to 64 and an estimated 3.2 million baby boomers carry hepatitis C.
The study also found that the number of deaths for hepatitis C is increasing because many people don’t realize they have the disease and therefore let it go untreated.